Saturday, October 25, 2008

Week One Down

So today was the end of the first week of the October sesssions of Round One Bootcamp. It's been a full week of burpees, Power cleans, squats and lunges. Everyone is working very hard towards their goals whether that be to increase endurance, lose body fat, tone or increase muscular body weight. A great week and plenty of more to come. Enjoy your couple of days off!!!

The program is designed to help shed body fat and increase your endurance and body tone. So what kind of body fat loss can be expected over the next 4wks? I usually tell people that the key to body fat reduction is follow a weight training program that incorporates excercises that use a lot of muscles simulataneously. By doing this, you increase the total lactic acid throughout the body leading to increae in GH levels which ultimately leads to fat loss. Also, the amount of calories you burn post workout with this type of program increases substantially where you can still be burning calories 3-6 hours after the workout. The power of weight training circuits and interval training!

Another important ascpect is the your nutritional intake. In fact, the types of food you ingest at the right time is 60-70% of your Fat Loss results! You can follow the Round One Bootcamp program to a tee but if you are eating bon bons, McDonalds or just eating crackers all day you won't see much if any results from the workouts. This is the primary reason I teamed up with Precision Nutrition recently. Please go to my site, and link to the Precision Nutriton area of the site. Here you will see all the parts of the program you will get by registering in the Precision Nutrtion Consulting 16wk program. Also, you can check out Dr. Berardi's site at: to get more details about the program. If you not interested in ordering the program without the 16wk consulting program, be sure to contact me as I can save on some shipping costs for you!

There is only One Week Left to register in the discounted program. Don't miss out!!! Contact me at: for futher details.

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